15 fresh and beautiful Firefox Themes

Using the same default Firefox theme? Take a look at these beautiful collection to spice up your favorite browser

5 alternatives to Windows Task Manager

The task manager is indispensible when you are troubleshooting Windows or any application. Why limit yourself to the default Windows task manager?

4 tools to get the most out of widescreen monitors

High resoltion monitors are great for watching movies, but for normal usage there is just too much real estate than you can possibly use. Find out how you can use that extra space.

Where to swap used books and DVDs?

Find out how you can save money by swapping used books and DVDs at 21 such places.

How to protect your PC from infected pen drives?

Checkout these tools which will help you avoid infection if the pen drive carries viruses

How to fix stuck printer jobs?

Printers have an annoying habit of getting stuck in between print jobs - you can neither delete them nor create fresh ones. Find out how to fix it.

How to create date based folder names in Windows XP?

Automatically create new folders with easy to recognize names like "Fri Feb 27" or "Feb 27 2009" and so on instead of "New folder(2)" and "New folder(3).

How to add Speech Bubbles to your photos?

A fun way to spice up your photos is to add a cartoon style speech bubble. Here are 6 speech bubble generators.

Synchronizing files between computers

Do you work on multiple computers? Don't let your work to be tied to a single computer. Find out how to keep your data synchronized between all your computers.

Automatically download files from Rapidshare

Does the mandatory waiting before each Rapidshare download annoy you? Try this automatic downloader.

How to calibrate your monitor?

Monitors are usually calibrated in the factory before they are sold, but prolonged use results in the loss of calibration. Is your monitor still correctly displaying images and colors the way it was meant to be?

Download high definition YouTube video


Dupa cum probabil ati observat in ultima perioada YouTube a inceput sa experimenteze diferite formate pentru redarea videoclipurilor. Pentru inceput au introdus videoclipuri de o rezolutie mai inalta (480p) apoi, incet,incet au ajuns si la standardul High Definition permitand acum redarea videoclipurilor in format HD (720p). Recent, au introdus si formatul widescreen lucru care imbunatateste si mai mult calitatea videoclipurilor.



Daca in ceea ce priveste descarcarea videoclipurilor standard definition de pe YouTube exista nenumarate solutii – unele dintre ele prezentate si in articolele acestui blog – pana zilele trecute nu gasisem nici un serviciu care sa permita downloadul clipurilor HD de pe YouTube. Solutia este insa extrem de simpla si presupune instalarea unui bookmarklet in bara de favorite a navigatorului web. Pentru a-l instala nu trebuie decat sa dati click dreapta pe link-ul de mai jos si sa-l adaugati la favorite. Daca utilizati Firefox puteti pur si simplu sa “trageti” linkul in bara de semne de carte.

Download YouTube HD video

Din acest moment atunci cand veti intalni pe Youtube un videoclip in format high definition pe care doriti sa-l downloadati nu trebuie decat sa dati un click pe linkul Download YouTube HD video si descarcarea va porni instantaneu.

Atentie: nu toate clipurile de pe YouTube sunt in format HD. De obicei atunci cand formatul HD este disponibil sub clipul de pe YouTube apare un link watch in HD . Dati click pe el! Solutia de mai sus functioneaza numai atunci cand vizualizati un videoclip in format HD!

In cazul in care formatul HD nu este disponibil puteti utiliza  bookmarkletul de mai jos care descarca videoclipurile in format standard.

Download YouTube standard video

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